We’re back for Pride In the Park 2023! Join us for an afternoon of celebration, education, and joy as we center the diversity and resilience of our community.
Our event will include:
A local speaker’s program, featuring a range of diverse voices from our immediate community
Free food
Performances by Harlow Havoc
An all-ages dance party
Health services, including STI testing and free vaccination for COVID 19 and monkeypox
Queer2Queer education space on topics that impact our community
Free child care, including crafting opportunities and story time, to make sure there are safe, age appropriate options for all of our community and to allow caretakers to mingle with other adults without needing to pay for child care.
Displays from local artists, community organizations, and queer owned or affirming businesses
And more! Follow us on Instagram to get the latest information and announcements.
We hope to see you there!